Professional articles

סיכוני סייבר

Innovations and evolutions in the Global Insurance Sector

In the ever-evolving landscape of the global insurance market, trends are emerging that not only reflect the industry’s response to current economic conditions but also its adoption of innovation and compliance with regulatory changes. This article provides an overview of these trends, with a spotlight on regions experiencing rapid growth, notable regulatory developments, and breakthrough product offerings.

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ביטוח חד קרן וזירפיקור

Beyond the Bubble: The Intersection of Insurance, Unicorn, and Zyrphicorn Companies

In the dynamic world of technology startups, “unicorns” – privately held startups valued at over $1 billion – have long been the symbols of peak innovation and market disruption. However, a new breed, termed “Zyrphicorns,” has emerged, signifying those unicorns that achieved their lofty valuations during the era of near-zero interest rates, notably between January 2020 and March 2022.

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d&o insurance

D&O Insurance and the 4,000 Case

According to recent publications, Mr. Shaul Alovich filed a claim against his Directors and Officers’ (D&O) liability insurance company to reimburse the defense costs paid

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hands around globe

?A Better Place For D&Os

In light of the recent judgment of Judge Ofer Grosskopf in TA (Merkaz) 47032-05-16 Better Place (HT) 2009 Ltd. (In liquidation) and Others V. Shay

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?The End of Cyber Insurance

We are witnessing a continuous increase in cyber-events. As a result, the Cyber Insurance market is hardening. Rates and deductibles are increasing, underwriting guidelines have

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